Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of USS Voyager You Need To Know

3. Delta Flyer 1.0

Star Trek Voyager

Similar to Voyager's dual warp cores, the Star Trek: Voyager art department designed the titular vessel to include another useful tool that went unused: The Aeroshuttle. Much like the Enterprise-E's Captain's Yacht in Star Trek: Insurrection, Voyager's Aeroshuttle was docked on the underside of the primary hull, intended to be a larger, more versatile vehicle than the ship's complement of standard shuttlecraft.

In the event the producers decided to depict the Aeroshuttle on screen, the fuselage was designed to match the shape of the Danube-class runabout from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, so the standing cockpit set could be reused on Voyager.

Unfortunately, the producers either forgot about the Aeroshuttle or decided that having Tom Paris build his own ship was more interesting and an entirely different auxiliary craft, the Delta Flyer, was introduced in "Extreme Risk".

Nevertheless, the unused Aeroshuttle can clearly be seen docked in front of Voyager's navigational deflector in every episode of the series, later explained in Star Trek: The Magazine as just another component of the USS Voyager that wasn't quite ready when she launched in 2371.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).