Star Trek: 10 Shapeshifting Aliens That We Know About

6. Coalescent Organisms

Changelings Chameloids Star Trek Section 31 Marta Undiscovered Country
CBS Media Ventures

If we've learnt one thing about shapeshifters over the years, it's to keep a close eye on the dog! Whereas Odo used a canine disguise so he could arrest Quark no matter the century, Geordi's phoney pooch pal in Aquiel had altogether less lawful intentions. Luckily, the engineer kept a phaser in his quarters, or the CGI would have had him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

'Coalescent organisms' could be described as having similar properties to the later introduced 'silver blood,' replicating a whole hand (Doctor Crusher's) on touch and not just a thumb (as per B'Elanna's). They also bore more than a passing resemblance to the Changelings, with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine having begun to air only a month earlier.

"This is going to sound very far-fetched," Doctor Crusher noted in sickbay over said hand. Translation: 'This is some weird s**t!' Crusher went on to explain that, in microscopic form, 'coalescent organisms' absorb and then become the organisms they've absorbed "right down to the cellular level". On a macro scale, poor Lieutenant Rocha had been eaten as such before his transfer to the relay station, then, having failed to repeat the process with Lieutenant Aquiel Uhnari when the time came, the coalescent coalesced with Maura (her dog) instead. We'd say, 'be a cat person,' but some of those are shapeshifters too!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.