Star Trek: 10 Starfleet Rules You Never Knew Existed

5. Regulation 619

star trek not without the captain's permission

Regulation 619 required any command officer who became emotionally compromised from the mission at hand to resign from said command.

When Kirk was marooned on the ice planet Delta Vega in the 2009 Star Trek film, old Spock gave him the idea to use Regulation 619 to take control of the Enterprise back from young Spock and go after Nero. Old Spock knew that his younger counterpart would be easy to provoke after just watching his whole planet be consumed by a black hole, even with all that Vulcan emotional suppression.

Kirk hitched a ride back aboard the Enterprise and basically just bullied Spock until he got angry enough to punch him and slam him against a bridge console. Since Kirk was promoted to First Officer by Pike before he was taken captive, Kirk was apparently next in line after Spock to command the ship, yet, for some reason, no one mentions the fact that the whole reason Kirk was marooned on Delta Vega in the first place was because he assaulted the security officers that Spock ordered to escort him off the bridge. Why was his emotional outburst okay?

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.