Star Trek: 10 Story Arcs You Can Binge In A Day

1. The Klingon Civil War

Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

The Episodes:

TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise", "Sins of the Father", "Reunion", "The Mind's Eye", "Redemption", "Redemption II"

The Background:

The first multi-episode arc in Star Trek history, Worf's storyline in "Sins of the Father" was conceived as a one-off before the writers convinced producer Rick Berman to keep the story going. What resulted is the most complex storyline in Star Trek: The Next Generation, weaving in Worf's family history, Klingon politics, Romulan maneuvering, an alternate universe created via time travel, the introduction of Klingon "kleavage", and the rise of one Trek's most underrated villains, Sela.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine takes up the story to tie up a loose end in "The Sword of Kahless", but honestly that one's optional.

What's not optional is "Yesterday's Enterprise" – not originally part of the narrative, this episode was incorporated into the events of the "Redemption" duology and is therefore required viewing to fully understand the Klingon Civil War arc.

Today is a good day to binge.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).