Star Trek: 10 Story Arcs You Can Binge In A Day

9. The Q Civil War

Star Trek

The Episodes:

TNG: "Deja Q"
Voyager: "Death Wish", "The Q and the Grey", "Q2"

The Background:

There are actually 12 episodes featuring Q, spanning the runs of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager, which form something of a character arc as he evolved from malevolent god to annoying trickster.

However, the events of TNG's "Deja Q" provide the background for Star Trek: Voyager's "Death Wish" and reflect the character's aforementioned evolution. The fallout from "Death Wish" is picked up the following season in "The Q and the Grey" in which the Q fall into civil war (and become American Civil War reenactors), before coming to a resolution that literally bears fruit in the seventh season episode "Q2".

Aside from being Q's final appearance (so far), "Q2" also features the transformation of Voyager's engineering into a dance club, so you've got that to look forward to.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).