Star Trek: 10 Strangest Space Anomalies You May Have Forgotten

9. The Anti-Time Eruption

Dax Worf

The Next Generation finale All Good Things introduced us to one of the most confusing anomalies seen in Trek.

The anti-time eruption was caused by three different Enterprises from three different time periods firing an inverse tachyon beam at the same point in space. This was meant to close the anomaly but Picard quickly learned that the anomaly actually grows backwards in time, and the pulses meant to destroy it were actually what created it. Travelling 3.5 billion years in the past, Picard saw that the anomaly was large enough that it had reached Earth and prevented life from ever developing.

By flying all three ships into the centre of the anomaly and activating static warp shells in all three time periods, Picard was able to undo the creation of the anomaly and the divergent timelines that resulted from his time-jumping.

Q played a big part in helping Picard solve the mystery by sending him back and forth between the three time periods and showing him the end result of the anomaly.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.