Star Trek: 10 Things We Now Know About Agent Daniels (aka Kovich)

1. The Habitual Softness Of Scrambled Eggs

Agent Daniels Crewman Doctor Kovich Star Trek Enterprise Discovery David Cronenberg Matt Winston
CBS Media Ventures

Though he wasn't (visibly) present for its unveiling, accompanied by the appropriate extradiegetic tune, we wouldn't be surprised if Doctor Kovich petitioned for the commissioning of Archer Spacedock in the first place. Kovich's younger self was particularly fond of the pioneering Captain of the first Warp Five ship.

Given the fact that Enterprise didn't go back to Earth between dropping Klaang off on Qo'noS and the Great Plume of Agosoria, it's almost certain Daniels was on board for its historic mission from the very beginning in April 2151 — perhaps taking time traveller's leave every so often when no one was looking — until his apparent death in September that same year. Archer wasn't shocked either, save for the shift change, that Daniels was bringing the breakfast in Cold Front. "You like your scrambled eggs soft. Have I ever brought them to you any other way?" Daniels would later use as argument to convince the Captain to help him capture Silik.

Understandably just wanting to get on with his mission, Archer often clashed with Daniels in Temporal Agent form. Without Daniels, however, and in a list only time travel can provide, Enterprise would have been blamed for Paraagan II, the Xindi Reptilians would have launched a bio-weapon in 21st century Detroit, and there'd have been no whistlestop tour of that corridor of the Enterprise-J, plus Xindi crewmember desperately searching for their initiation medal. No Daniels would have meant no Federation, no humanity, and no Archer Spacedock.

"Goodbye, Jonathan. Captain. It's been a privilege," was the first name-ish basis upon which Daniels left Archer for the last time (that we know of) in Storm Front, Part II. Archer didn't give quite the same fond farewell in return, but then he'd probably been eating a lot of hard scrambled eggs!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.