Star Trek: 10 Things We Now Know About Agent Daniels (aka Kovich)

8. April 5th Is Thrice The Day

Agent Daniels Crewman Doctor Kovich Star Trek Enterprise Discovery David Cronenberg Matt Winston
Paramount Pictures

It's the date that's firmly marked in every Star Trek fan's calendar, still hoping that the T'Plana-Hath will descend in 39 years. By the 24th century, annual observance of First Contact Day might have become an excuse to play rock 'n' roll music and make Tuvok do the thing that Vulcans do, but several hundred years later, there was extra cause for another to celebrate.

As he revealed to (former-)Terran Emperor Philippa Georgiou in Die Trying, April 5th was Kovich's, and by the same measure Daniels', birthday. That's two reasons for cheese perogies and even cheesier (god)dad dancing. The third, if you're a Terran, would be to honour the "holy day," as Georgiou put it. On April 5th in the Mirror Universe, the Vulcans were simply "slaughtered," and not on tequila! Moreover, and birthday link or no, Daniels, now the bespectacled Kovich, had always maintained a particular interest in the other side of the looking glass, telling Georgiou in Die Trying: "I've been fascinated by Terran history and methodology since I was a boy."

We know the date of the day of Daniels' birth, but that of the year is far from certain. In Cold Front, the masquerading crewman pointed to a spot on his Temporal Observatory "approximately 900 years from now" as his time of origin. The 'now' in that was 2151, making the 'from' circa 3051. If we then take actor Matt Winston's age at time of filming — 31 — in theory a match for the character, the roughest of estimates for Daniels' birthyear then becomes about 3020. Encoded and decoded as Kovich in the reveal of Life, Itself, which was set in 3191, that would make "Agent Daniels" something in the linear variety of 171 years old.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.