Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sarek
6. He Has Appeared More Than Most Other Supporting Characters
Parental figures are incredibly important to Star Trek and its crews. Some, such as Worf's adoptive parents the Rozhenkos would only make one appearance, while others like the iconic Lwaxana Troi would come back again and again. We can luckily count Sarek amongst the latter.
Following on from DC Fontana's aborted attempt to install Sarek in The Enterprise Incident, she would once again find the opportunity to write the character in the TAS episode Yesteryear, appearing in his younger years as Spock travels back in time to prevent his own death.
After initial plans for a Vulcan centric movie fell through, Sarek would appear again in the final four Original Series movies, as well as returning to television as part of a two episode arc in TNG, exploring his affliction with Bendii Syndrome and subsequent death.
This is not the last we would see of Sarek, however, as an alternate version would appear in the Kelvin Timeline, and the original Sarek would be pivotal in early seasons of Star Trek Discovery as the guardian of protagonist Michael Burnham.
With thirteen appearances across four series, as well as five movie appearances, the once cameo-like figure of Sarek has taken his place as one of Trek's most recurring characters.