Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Captain Pike

1. Pike's Discovery Pin

Captain Pike Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

Most of Star Trek: Discovery's second season was classified by Starfleet Command after the crew travelled to the future to prevent the destruction of the Federation. Because of this, Pike was rarely given a chance to remember the friends he made while briefly commanding Discovery.

One way that he kept the knowledge of Discovery's crew alive was by wearing a pin dedicated to them on Starfleet Remembrance Day in the Strange New Worlds episode Memento Mori.

The official report stated that Discovery was destroyed, along with it's entire crew. While Pike was aware that they probably continued to live on in the future, he was ordered to never disclose the true story, so this pin was his only way of paying his respects to Discovery publicly.

Interestingly, every character in this episode wore a remembrance pin for a different ship. Spock's was dedicated to the USS Kongo, Chief Kyle's honoured the USS Shenzhou, and La'an's pin named the SS Puget Sound—the ship that she was aboard as a child when the Gorn killed her family.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.