Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Captain Pike

6. The Alternate Pike's Differences

Captain Pike Star Trek

The version of Pike from the alternate 'Kelvin universe' led the exact same life as the prime Pike until the two timelines were split by the arrival of the Narada and the destruction of the USS Kelvin. This happened in 2233, around the time that he graduated from the Academy.

Because of the divergence, the alternate Pike wasn't paralysed by delta radiation, though he was confined to a wheelchair at the end of the 2009 film because of his torture at the hands of Nero. In the next film, Into Darkness, he was still recovering from these injuries, but was able to walk again with the help of a cane.

The alternate Pike was killed in Khan's attack on the Daystrom Conference Room, never getting the chance to return to Vina on Talos IV. In fact, it's possible that Vina and the rest of the crew of the SS Columbia never crashed on Talos IV either, given that the crash happened in 2236 in the prime timeline, three years after the timelines diverged.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.