Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Captain Pike

4. Meeting Kirk

Captain Pike Star Trek

Kirk and Pike were probably never particularly close, in fact Kirk wasn't even aware of Pike's delta radiation injuries until he came aboard the ship again in The Menagerie. Near the beginning of that episode, Kirk mentioned that he first met him when Pike was promoted to Fleet Captain, a small detail that could give us insight into the second season of Strange New Worlds.

It's already been announced that Jim Kirk will be appearing in the second season. An alternate-reality version of him already popped up in the season one finale, Quality Of Mercy, but there's no canon issues since this future never technically happened. However, continuity problems arise if Pike isn't promoted to Fleet Captain before meeting the prime Kirk in season two.

If Kirk's remark from The Menagerie was canon, then season two should show the promotion of Pike to the rank of Fleet Captain before meeting Kirk, which may mean we'll get to see him command an entire fleet of starships on some large-scale mission.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.