Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Combadges

2. The Altered Future Combadge

star trek combadge

One particular combadge design with two gold lines behind a silver outline of the Starfleet insignia appeared in a number of possible futures. We saw it in the Next Generation episode All Good Thingsā€¦, the Deep Space Nine episode The Visitor, and the Voyager episodes Timeless and Endgame.

These possible futures never came to be, so neither did the badges, but Star Trek: Picard gave us a new combadge design that looked very similar. It too had the outline of the insignia in front of two lines, but this version was slightly different, for example, the top corners seemed to be shaved down and the left line was made larger than the right.

It's very likely that these badges appeared slightly different from the ones we saw in the possible futures because of the changes made to the timeline in the episodes that were mentioned earlier.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.