Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Deanna Troi

7. Marina Sirtis Hated All That Chocolate

Deanna Troi

In TNG at least, Troi seemed to accumulate a lot of serious and dark scenes, some of which have been discussed above. She loses her empathic powers, is rapidly aged by a malicious alien ambassador, has her body taken over by a criminal imposter, is transformed into an amphibian, must do the acting job of her life aboard a Romulan Starship, and that’s not to mention having to negotiate the 'difficult' relationship she has with her mother.

Of course, her role as counsellor requires her to be more earnest than most, but there are lighter moments for Troi. One now famous example is her adoration of (borderline addiction to) chocolate. Well, it is a GALAXY-class Starship. (Teehee!)

In the episode The Game, Riker finds Troi tucking in to a bowl of chocolate upon chocolate upon chocolate. She proceeds to explain to him, in the minutest of detail, the fine art of the confectionary’s consumption. Remember: "It’s the whole experience"!

What you may not know, however, and far from never having met a chocolate she didn’t like, was that Marina Sirtis hated having to eat it. Contrary to popular belief, the actress does like chocolate, but eating that much take after take would be too much for anybody. Apparently, she would ask the crew to use a type of chocolate she didn’t like, and then would spit out what she ate in to a bucket.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.