Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Geordi's VISOR

1. Real-Life VISORs

Geordi Visor
Paramount and Enhanced Vision

We don't have anything as advanced as Geordi's VISOR in the present, but we're getting closer every day.

We already have devices that can see far further than us and detect parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can't see with our eyes. Add that with the fact that technology that interfaces with your brain has been getting way more advanced recently, and it seems like it may not be that long before technology becomes real.

Funnily enough, there actually was a real vision aiding device released in the late 90s that was called JORDY (for Joint Optical Reflective Display) in honour of Geordi La Forge. The JORDY device was based on NASA tech and used cameras to allow people with limited vision to see farther. It even had a zoom function, but it wasn't directly linked into the brain and only worked if the person had some level of sight in their eyes. Still, it's interesting to see Star Trek inspiring real-life innovation, even if it may be a while before we can see anything like the VISOR.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.