Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Geordi's VISOR

8. Why Geordi Stopped Using His VISOR

Geordi Visor

We first saw Geordi's ocular implants in the Next Generation finale, All Good Things. After the timeline was changed in that episode, he ended up getting this new tech shortly after Star Trek: Generations, but they were actually invented far earlier. In the episode Loud As A Whisper, Doctor Pulaski revealed that she had actually done several surgeries to install these kinds of implants, and offered to replace Geordi's VISOR with them.

Geordi decided not to go through with the procedure because he believed that the technology of ocular implants was not yet on the same level as the VISOR. He would've had to sacrifice visual range for a bit of added comfort and a more natural look.

Apparently, by the time of First Contact, either these devices had advanced far enough, or Geordi simply decided that aesthetics and comfort were more important to him (though, the ocular implants still did cause him headaches from time to time). Of course, LeVar Burton often argued to have his VISOR replaced with something more natural, but it wasn't until after The Next Generation ended that he finally got what he wanted.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.