Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Geordi's VISOR

6. Other VISORs In Star Trek

Geordi Visor

Geordi wasn't the only character in Star Trek history with a VISOR, nor was he the first. In fact, in the Discovery episode Brothers, we saw a Starfleet officer from about a hundred years before The Next Generation wearing an earlier model of the same device. This retro VISOR looked much bulkier and wrapped around the entire head instead of just the eyes, probably to more easily reach different parts of the brain.

We also saw two officers with VISORs in the Lower Decks episode Second Contact. The first could be seen when Tendi went aboard the shuttlecraft on the Cerritos, and the second appeared as a member of the landing party visiting the Galadonians. Later, we got a VISOR-wearing teddy bear in the episode Cupid's Errant Arrow.

Ocular implants were probably a more common technology than VISORs because they worked as well as normal eyes and felt far more natural, but for those who wanted a bit of an upgrade, a VISOR was the way to go.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.