Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Harry Mudd

6. Greg Grunberg Wanted To Play Mudd in An Abrams Trek Movie

Harry Mudd

Greg Grunberg and J.J Abrams have been working together for decades now in roles both small and substantial. From CIA agent Eric Weiss in Alias to Matt Parkman in Heroes via the ill-fated pilot of Oceanic Flight 815 in Lost. When it was announced that J.J. Abrams was to reboot the original Enterprise crew for a new series of movies, it was expected that Greg Grunberg would join the cast in some form.

Grunberg has said that he's in regular touch with his friend Abrams, to offer his services in roles big or small. Star Trek was no exception, and he eventually played the role of James Kirk's step-dad in 2009's Star Trek, but purely as a voiceover. However, TrekMovie and others suggested Grunberg as a potential Harry Mudd for the Kelvin timeline.

Grunberg himself commented on the prospect of playing the character, stating that he "would absolutely love to play Harry Mudd, that would be incredible. I would have to redefine the character and do it the way I see doing it, but that character to me has comedy and brings levity and I would be able to work with robotic chicks. How fun would that be?"

With the prospect of a fourth Kelvin timeline movie becoming more and more remote, this may end up being one of Star Trek's missed opportunities.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.