Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Martok

9. He Was Almost A Single Episode Character

martok star trek klingon chancellor deep space nine tacking into the wind what you leave behind
CBS Media Ventures

Although Martok would go on to become one of Trek's most recurring characters, appearing frequently in DS9, cameoing in Lower Decks and getting a name-check in Picard, the character was originally planned to go no further than his debut.

Following the cataclysmic events of DS9's Season Four opener The Way of The Warrior, and the beginning of Federation-Klingon hostilities, the subject of a Changeling infiltrator in The Alpha Quadrant became a recurring theme. Suspicions ultimately spiralled around Chancellor Gowron, with a plot to expose him kicking off Season Five.

However, whilst Gowron was indeed written to be the interloper throughout the season, the writers decided instead to make Martok the Changeling. This was partly as a way to shock the fans, and partly as a means to bring back Hertzler, following his impressive performance in The Way of The Warrior.

Sure enough, he would return again in In Purgatory's Shadow as the original Martok, imprisoned by The Dominion, and his return to glory delighted fans far and wide.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.