Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Phasers

8. Transporter Phasers

Lore Phaser Datalore Star Trek TNG
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

In the final episode of Star Trek: Picard, The Last Generation, Seven and Raffi's team came up with a new phaser modification. They were able to retake the bridge of the Titan-A by connecting their phasers to the transporter systems. Anyone who got shot was sent to the transporter buffer. A standard stun setting probably wouldn't have worked well on the drones, so this was a great way to incapacitate their assimilated crewmembers without harming them.

After retaking the bridge, Seven joked that they may have just invented the 'portable beam-me-up', but this actually wasn't the first time we've seen something like this in Trek.

In the Next Generation episode Gambit, Picard was captured by mercenaries who shot him with a transporter-connected phaser to make it appear like he was vaporised. The crew of the Enterprise all mourned his death before discovering that he was still alive.


Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.