Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Will Riker

4. He Has Been In More Star Treks Than Any Other Character

Will Riker
CBS Television Distribution

Cameos are always a great way to peak fan interest as spin offs and tie ins begin to filter their way through a franchise’s history, and Star Trek is no exception. Whilst the likes of Sarek and Montgomery Scott would grace the set of TNG with their presence, one of the Enterprise-D’s crew would make popping up in other shows something of a sport. Whilst other cast members would maybe show up once in a spin off show, or jump ship to become full cast members like Worf and O’Brien in DS9, Jonathan Frakes would reprise his role as Riker in no less than five other shows.

First showing up as transporter clone Thomas Riker in DS9’s ‘Defiant’, the real Will Riker would then go on to return in Voyager’s ‘Death Wish’ at the behest of Q, as well as enjoying an extended arc as the USS Titan’s captain in Lower Decks, coming to the rescue of the titular officer in Picard and controversially playing protagonist in the much despised Enterprise finale ‘These Are The Voyages…’.

Holding the record for appearing over the most shows in the franchise, it’s very unlikely that anybody will dethrone the familiar Commander anytime soon.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.