Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Was Right And Everyone Else Was Wrong

4. Leaving That Damn Nebula

Captain Janeway Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

Technically speaking, the events of this entry happened and never happened. They are, nonetheless, a fine example of a win for the Captain when those around her were dubious.

In the two-parter Year of Hell, Voyager is under near constant attack by the Krenim who seem intent on proving they do have something big in their torpedo tubes. The damage gets so bad that most of the crew are forced to abandon ship and go it alone until Voyager can meet up with them again.

By the start of the second episode, Voyager has taken refuge inside a nebula, but it is proving more trouble than it’s worth. Janeway makes the executive decision that "we’re leaving this damn cloud first thing tomorrow morning". The look on Kim, Torres, and The Doctor's faces tells us that they are sceptical, but they say nothing as she’s the Captain. With no such inhibitions, Seven bluntly states, "You are in error". Tuvok, even though he disagrees with disagreeing, clearly thinks the decision is the wrong one.

If they had waited in the nebula for weeks on end, it is unlikely that they would have amassed enough allies with whom to share their temporal shield technology before Annorax could alter the timeline. They also may have missed the message sent by the captured Paris.

Ultimately, leaving the nebula when they did was crucial to destroying the timeship. Janeway's decision was so right (including taking the temporal shields offline at the last moment) that everyone got a do-over as the timeline was restored.


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.