Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Was Right And Everyone Else Was Wrong

2. Taking Responsibility For Moset

Captain Janeway Star Trek

In the episode Nothing Human, the Doctor creates a hologram to aid him in removing a parasitic alien from B’Elanna Torres. When it is learnt that the program is based on a Cardassian war criminal (Crell Moset) who tortured Bajorans for his own medical experiments, the crew are justifiably up in arms. Torres herself refuses any treatment that would come from Moset, and a fierce ethical debate ensues.

We can’t simply descend into the Manichaeism of right and wrong concerning the morality behind the use of hologram Moset in saving B’Elanna’s life. The situation is far too nuanced for such a dichotomy. What we can discuss in similar terms is whether Captain Janeway, as leader, was correct to make a choice to use him or not.

After hearing the arguments, Janeway does decide to use Moset, as her only concern there and then is the "well-being of [her] crew member". They will wrestle with the morality of the situation after B’Elanna has recovered. She clearly states that "any consequences of this decision will be my responsibility".

Later, when B’Elanna tells Janeway, "you had no right to make that decision for me!" the latter replies, "I’m the Captain. You’re my crewman. I did what I thought best". The point here is that Janeway was right, and well within her rights, to make the decision. There is no hard moral line in this case, only the choice to act or to not and accept the consequences.


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.