Star Trek: 10 Weirdest Medical Cases

1. Patient: Various, USS Voyager; Garan Mining Facility

Troi Frog Star Trek TNG Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Case: Severe Macroviral Infection of Host Glandular Tissue

According to EMH ship's logs, this peculiar virus was first encountered in the Delta Quadrant at a Garan mining facility. By the time the USS Voyager had arrived to provide medical aid, the virus had begun to attack the Garan's glandular tissue, incorporating growth hormones into its protein structure and growing by a factor of billions to enter the 'macroscopic world'.

The usual procedures to purge the transporter bio-filters having failed, transmission of the virus to the crew of Voyager was assured via direct skin contact with an infected bio-neural gel pack filled with mucilaginous secretions. Airborne transmission quickly followed. Symptoms included high-grade fever, nausea, fatigue, and cutaneous eruptions in the neck through which the macroscopic form of the virus could leave the body.

Quarantine measures proved unsuccessful as dozens of the larger viruses — measuring 0.3m (!) — broke through containment forcefields. Treatment consisted of an antigen vaccine (and 'bomb') which is now standard for all Federation citizens. One stray macrovirus did manage to make its way back to the Alpha Quadrant, however. In the more common parlance of the 2380s, as one witness put it, "It's Voyager. S**t got freaky."

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.