Star Trek: 10 Weirdest Medical Cases

7. Patient: 41-Year-Old Human-'Wormhole Alien' Male

Troi Frog Star Trek TNG Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Case: Plasma Burst-Induced Post-Neural Shock Syndrome

There are aspects of this case that may be more appropriate for discussion by a Bajoran Vedek. Whilst we maintain a respect for all those who have faith in the Celestial Temple and its inhabitants, we are obliged to adhere to a certain scientific rigour here.

In 2373, whilst using a holosuite to study a recreation of a section of a scan of a painting of a 20,000-year-old lost Bajoran city, the patient was hit by a plasma burst from an exploding console. The accident was, in fact, caused by an act of criminal negligence for which the Magistrate Court's ruling could not be found. Subsequent examination of the patient by station doctor initially revealed abnormal synaptic potentials and a heightened reaction to external stimuli (Quite "the show!"). Potential secondary symptoms included headache, dizziness, and nausea.

The diagnosis was post-neural shock syndrome, for which the initial prognosis was good with rest and restricted duty. Further complications consisted of hypnagogic hallucinations of the past and the future — what the Bajorans call a 'pagh'tem'far' — and depolarisation of the basal ganglia, followed by the entire CNS. Treatment required surgery to repolarise the neural sheaths through neuropolaric induction.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.