Star Trek: 11 Things You Didn't Know About The Borg Queen

8. A Dating Profile

Borg Queen Star Trek Picard

The origins of the Borg Queen remain one of the most mysterious parts of Star Trek. We know very little about how this embodiment, perhaps mastermind, of the Collective came to be, or even much about her daily existence. Was the Queen always present in the Collective from its very beginnings or did she emerge at some point later to sort out the chaos? Do multiple Queens exist simultaneously? Similar to the bee (get the royal jelly ready), does any drone have the potential to become Queen?

From canon, we know that the Borg originated in the Delta Quadrant thousands of centuries ago much like any other humanoid species. At an unknown point in their history, they began to incorporate cybernetic technology into their bodies. As the Vaadwaur revealed in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Dragon's Teeth, the Borg had only assimilated a "handful of systems" by what was the 15th century on Earth.

It is never indicated if the Borg Queen was around practising her high wire act in the 1400s; the Collective itself may not have known, as their memory of that time was "fragmentary". One of the few bits of dating we do get for the/a Queen comes from two Voyager episodes. In Dark Frontier, the Queen states to Seven that "We all originated from lesser species. I myself came from Species 125".

Later, in Unimatrix Zero, Part II, the Queen intimates that, when she was assimilated, she was "just about" the age of the child she speaks to during her visit to the Borg virtual reality. Whilst this would at least tend to mean that the Queen became Borg at some point rather than being created in situ, it would be difficult to date her assimilation, especially given the fact that the Borg use maturation chambers which may accelerate growth.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.