Star Trek: 20 Most Revealing Outfits

17. Mudd's Women - Original Trek

Mudd Better

Mudd's Women is a fun episode. Roger Carmel brings much delight to the screen as scoundrel Harry Mudd. He is definitely a space pimp extraordinaire. But the episode doesn't get anywhere without the women; and you have to have sexy outfits to pull off the whole premise of the episode. Each outfit suits the lovely lady's personalities and figures. They are definitely influenced by the time period that the show was actually filmed, but I can overlook that because there is nothing new under the sun; especially in fashion.

They do the job, make you look twice at what they are wearing. Great outfits!

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Melita is into all things Doctor Who. She is a mother of two teenagers and has raised them to be proper geeks, just like she is.