Star Trek: 20 Worst Episodes Ever

4. Profit And Lace (DS9)


"I've only been a male again for six hours. My hormones must still be out of balance. My emotions are raging out of control."

The Ferengi episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine have long drawn the ire of fans. I've never shared this view, but I certainly make an exception for the abysmal Profit and Lace, which turns the concept of putting Quark in drag into a vehicle for a handful of bad, sexist jokes... and little else. If that's bad, imagine how awful the original version of the episode would have been, which Armin Shimmerman (Quark) refused to play because he felt it negatively stereotyped women!

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Michael is one of the founders of FACT TREK (, a project dedicated to untangling 50+ years of mythology about the original Star Trek and its place in TV history. He currently is the Director of Sales and Digital Commerce at Shout! Factory, where he has worked since 2014. From 2013-2018, he ran the popular Star Trek Fact Check blog (