Star Trek: 25 Greatest Next Generation Episodes

23. Where Silence Has Lease

star trek the next generation Where Silence Has Lease

One of the most fascinating episodes, in my mind, which also has the least satisfying ending of all time, involves the Enterprise being enveloped in a black hole that is reminiscent of Klingon folklore.

The Enterprise is faced with a faux Romulan warbird and a Galaxy class starship with a twisted interior before the alien creature reveals that it wishes to helm the original "1000 Ways to Die" using a good chunk of the crew; however, when Picard pulls off a last minute bluff by threatening to destroy the ship to not satisfy the creature's curiosity, the Enterprise is released.

It was definitely one of the more fun and interesting of the earlier episodes to watch however with one of the least satisfying endings in the entire franchise.


Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.


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