Star Trek: 5 Reasons Wesley Crusher Doesn't Deserve The Hate

1. He Was Only A Regular On TNG For 4 Seasons

Wes Crusher Say you can never bring yourself to come to the conclusion that Wesley Crusher is anything but a pox upon the House of Trek, I can understand and would only point to one fact that makes his perceived suckiness not be so all-encompassing. That would be the fact that Wesley was only a regular on the show for four seasons and only made sporadic appearances for the rest of the show's run. Since TNG was pretty crappy as a whole for about two and a half seasons anyway it would be perfectly acceptable to chalk up those bad times as never happening and then all you would have is one and a half seasons of Wesley Crusher to suffer through. Skipping every episode in Season 1 except for Encounter At Farpoint would also allow you to avoid the majority of the most egregious Wesley Crusher terrible moments. So all it takes is a little skillful editing in one's repeat viewing of TNG and it is almost like Wesley Crusher was never a full-time character on the show.

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