Star Trek Discovery: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'People Of Earth'

4. Those Old Quantum Torpedoes

Star Trek Discovery People Of Earth

During the standoff with Wen's ships, Book mentions that they're armed with quantum torpedoes.

Quantum torpedoes were first seen Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's "Defiant" in which they were Starfleet's brand new weapon. They would go on to be prominently featured in Star Trek: First Contact as the Enterprise-E's primary defense against the Borg and would be used alongside Trek's traditional photon torpedoes.

While it's a nice nod to the latter-Next Generation era, it is kind of odd these weapons would still be in use over 800 years later, though it's possible Wen's down-and-out people are just using some pretty old weapons.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).