Star Trek: Every Medical Officer Ranked

2. Beverly Crusher

Star Trek Medical
CBS Media Ventures

Doctor Beverly Crusher may be the most under-utilized, under-appreciated character in Star Trek: The Next Generation. That's not to say Crusher didn't get some memorable material over her six years on TNG (absent but not forgotten in season two): there was the time Crusher got trapped in the static warp bubble and gave us the the timeless "if there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe" mantra, the time she had an affair with Star Trek's first Trill (before it got too gay), and the unforgettable time she got it on a with an alien candle ghost.

As a medical professional, Doctor Crusher has an interesting track record. She was responsible for Star Trek's first de-Borgification, restoring Picard after his assimilation in "Best of Both Worlds, Part II", she solved a murder mystery through an unauthorized Ferengi autopsy, and she both cured and also inadvertently caused Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome which swept through the Enteprise-D transforming the entire crew into prehistoric monster people.

Unfortunately Doctor Crusher didn't get to shine like that in The Next Generation features – she was called ugly by the Duras Sisters in Generations, upstaged by the EMH in First Contact, forced to talk about her boobs in Insurrection, and was just kinda there in Nemesis.

Still, Crusher is one of the most recognizable and iconic characters in all of Star Trek and without her we wouldn't have the Dancing Doctor teaching Data to tap, someone to silently judge Picard's occasional love interests, someone to slap Wesley around during the Sarek-induced rage epidemic, or the aforementioned (and we cannot stress this enough) sex scene with a alien candle ghost.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).