Star Trek: Every Redshirt Death Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Crewman Rayburn

Lurch is lurking.

Episode: What Are Little Girls Made Of? (S1E7)

Cause Of Death: Neck broken by Ruck, the big bald android.

We return to the caverns of Exo III, as Ruk (Lurch!), the big bald android in the muumuu who shoved Crewman Matthews into the bottomless chasm, claims his second victim via neck snappage. And this time we see it happen onscreen.

It's probably a good thing that Crewman Rayburn was snuck up on, because, well, just look at Ruk. If I saw this guy coming towards me in a cavern I'd probably elect to throw myself into the bottomless chasm. Or my neck would just snap itself.


David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.