Star Trek Lower Decks: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Envoys'

24. K (Apostrophe) Orin

Star Trek Lower Decks Evora Insurrection Easter Egg Cameo

Turns out K'orin, the ambassador Boimler is assigned to escort down to Tulgana IV, is the same eye-patched, bat'leth-wielding Klingon Mariner referred to in episode one.

Earlier in the episode Mariner says “All Klingon names have an apostrophe for some reason” and, while K'orin definitely fits this description, this isn't the most accurate reference she's made. Many, many aliens throughout Star Trek have had apostrophes in their names (including Lower Decks' own D'vana Tendi), but Klingon names actually fairly rarely use that punctuation mark.

K'orin's eyepatch, by the way, is similar to General Chang's eyepatch from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; it's the kind you bolt into your skull. Very Klingon.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).