Star Trek: Picard - 4 Ups & 5 Downs From Et In Arcadia Ego (Part 1)

2. The Little Touches

Star Trek Picard

While this episode largely missed with its broad strokes, there were a number of far smaller touches that really, really worked. We'll likely cover them all in more depth in our Secrets, References, and Easter Eggs article but, until then here are a few of the highlights.

The Star Trek: Voyager Theme can be heard as Seven of Nine arrives.

The older Synths have the same skin and eyes as Data.

The cat Spot is named after Data's on the Enterprise.

Sutra saying "fascinating", after having apparently studied Vulcan culture extensively. This is Spock's go-to line.

Naming the android pairs Rune / Codex (the two bald males) and Arcana / Saga (the women) keeps up the Data / Lore naming convention.

There are loads of examples like this, which continues to show how much care, attention, and love is being poured into the production by people who genuinely realise what the franchise means to people. In a show that's dividing opinion, it's the one consistent bright spot (along with Patrick Stewart) every single week.

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