Star Trek: Picard - 6 Ups & 3 Downs From Nepenthe

2. Oh My God, Jean-Luc, You Can't Just Ask Someone Why They're An Android

Picard Soji

80% of Star Trek: Picard has just been other people telling Picard that he is, in actual fact, a piece of s**t. From the very beginnings with Starfleet yeeting his request out of the window, Laris hitting him with some severe home truths, Raffi pointing out he ruined her career and her life, the former Romulan senator reminding him of all his broken promises, the Qowat Milat deep-frying their Absolute Candor for him, it's been... brutal.

This week's no exception, with Troi and Riker both pulling no punches over his handling of Soji's situation. Just casually dropping it on her that her father was Data, she is in fact only 3 years old, and her entire life has been a lie... Oh! Except for her sister! Who is now dead. The man had absolutely zero tact with this poor girl, and absolutely fair play for two parents to pull him up on it.

The longer this show goes on, and the more lives we see shattered, the more there's a suspicion that this might be a story about the wrongs of this man's life rather than the rights. It's very, very un-Star Trek, but so too is the show.

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