Star Trek: Picard - 7 Ups & 2 Downs From Episode 4 'Absolute Candor'

6. The Supporting Cast

Picard Rios

Not getting sight nor sound of Laris and Zhaban should have been a down this week, but their absence allowed the newer members of the supporting cast to step to the fore. Thankfully they did not disappoint.

While many have labeled Dr. Agnes Jurati as a bit annoying, her role in constantly questioning the who, what and why of a situation enables us to drop in exposition without it being too jarring. She has no real idea of what's going on or who anybody is, effectively making her the audience's entry point in the story.

Her interaction with Captian Rios this week was one of the episode's highpoints, as too was Raffi's near-constant indignation with every decision being made around her. For all Picard looked like being a trip down memory lane, the new characters its brought to Star Trek are a weekly highlight.

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