Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Broken Pieces'

8. Rioses

Picard Seven Of Nine Borg Sphere

Auntie Raffi decides the only way she's going to get to the bottom of what's going on with Rios is to gather all the Emergency Rios Holograms in Picard's holographic Château Picard study.

Apparently when Rios acquired the La Sirena, he "accidentally" overlaid his own personality and memories on the five basic installs. Rios did make selective and careless deletions, according to the Emergency Hospitality Hologram who now doesn't know the proper temperature for making Yridian tea (see TNG's "Eye of the Beholder"). The Emergency Navigational Hologram has also suffered deletions and has lost all knowledge of Medusan astrogation techniques (see TOS's "Is There In Truth No Beauty").

Raffi considers all the holograms aboard the La Sirena to be "broken pieces" of Rios. They said the thing.

These holos, by the way, are Enoch (Emergency Navigational Hologram and Auntie Raffi's favorite), Emmet (Emergency Tactical Hologram), Ian (Emergency Engineering Hologram)... and then there's the Emergency Hospitality Hologram and Emergency Medical Hologram who continue to go unnamed.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).