Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Et In Arcadia Ego, Part 2'

19. Power Play

Star Trek Picard Riker

Back on the crashed La Sirena, Rios and Auntie Raffi use the plastic purple imagination device Saga gave them in last week's episode to fix the ship.

According to Rios, the intermix reactor is fused and the parts he needs can't be replicated because the the maintenance replicator won't work if the intermix reactor is busted. Conundrum.

In previous episodes the intermix reactor was referred to as the "intermix chamber" (see Enterprise "Afflication", TNG "Gambit, Part I"). It's actually never been super clear, but the intermix chamber / reactor is probably the tube part of the warp core that houses all the cool flashing and swirling lights.

Rios asks Raffi if she's been using her "horgl" again. This is the first on-screen use of the Orion vape pen's name, but the name was stated by Michael Chabon on Instagram, following the flashpipe's first appearance in "Maps and Legends".

Thankfully the deus ex machina machine works and the La Sirena powers back up.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).