Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Nepenthe'

15. Heart Of Picard

Star Trek Sex Pistols

Picard and Soji immediately happen upon a hooded figure armed with a bow and arrow. Picard tells the figure – who we come to discover is Kestra, Riker and Troi's daughter – that she should aim at his head not his heart, because his heart is "made of solid duritanium".

This is the first mention in Star Trek: Picard of Jean-Luc's artificial heart, which dates back to the second season Next Generation episode "Samaritan Snare". In that episode, Wesley Crusher accompanies Picard on a trip to Starbase 515 to have his artificial heart replaced. On the journey, Picard grudgingly relates to Wesley how he came to need a new heart, which involved a cocky young Cadet Picard mouthing off to a few surly Nausicaans. This was ultimately depicted in the season six, "It's a Wonderful Life"-esque episode "Tapestry".

Duritanium by the way is another one of those ubiquitous Star Trek materials that has been used for everything from shuttlepod hatches (Star Trek: Enterprise, "Minefield"), to Cardassian war machines (Star Trek: Voyager, "Dreadnought"), to medical tricorders (Voyager, "Retrospect").


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).