Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'The Impossible Box'

11. Raffi Drunk Dials Starfleet Again

Star Trek Picard Borg

En route to the Artifact, Raffi hauls herself out of bed with her snake leaf vape (see "Maps and Legends", "The End is the Beginning") and her bottle of brown liquor to once again prove she's the most competent one here. Even when she's effed up.

In order to get Picard diplomatic clearance to board the Borg cube, Raffi gets in touch with an old friend via subspace communication. Her order to the computer, "requesting subspace relay through Comnet 4" is rooted in several episodes of Trek's past. Subspace relays direct messages through the fictional realm of subspace which allows for faster-than-light communication in Star Trek (see TNG's "Legacy", DS9's "Destiny" and "The Search, Part I").

Raffi's friend (-ish), Emily Bosch, is the first Starfleet officer with the rank of captain we've seen on Star Trek: Picard. She's likely meant to be a painful reminder to a now very down and out Raffi of the life she could've had – if things had turned out better, she likely would've made captain in the intervening 14 years too.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).