Star Trek The Next Generation Sequel: 10 Things It Must Have

6. Picard The Explorer

Patrick Stewart Jean Luc Picard

As already qualified, Picard needs to be in some way tied to a new Enterprise in the new show. But that's only part of the story - he also needs to not be "commanding" a desk at Starfleet when he returns.

There have been rumours that a Picard show would focus on him training at Starfleet, but that's akin to putting a lion in a cage. Sure, it looks like a lion and it might still roar like a lion, but it's nothing like watching it prowl the open planes looking for prey to hunt or standing atop Pride Rock singing majestically. Wait no, wrong metaphor.

Anyway, a Picard who isn't boldly going anywhere is only half of a Picard, and while it might make sense for his age that he'd not be on active duty as a captain, it would be a major shame if he wasn't in command of his own ship and still pushing the boundaries of exploration. Nobody wants stagnation, no matter how old he is.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.