Star Trek (The Original Series): 10 Screw Ups From The First Season

8. The Menagerie (Episode 11)

the megangThe Plot: Spock kidnaps his former captain and hijacks the Enterprise to bring him to the planet Talos IV. The Screw Up: It is revealed early in the first episode of this famous two-parter, that General Order 7 states that "no member of the Federation may contact the planet Talos IV in any way, under penalty of death." In fact, this is such an important law, according to Commodore Mendez, "to do so is the only death penalty left on our books." THE ONLY DEATH PENALTY. However, in Turnabout Intruder (episode 79), it is stated that General Order 4 is Chekov says that General Order 4 is the "only death penalty" left on the books. Well, which is it? This is more of a nerdy nitpick, I know. Maybe Chekov misspoke. What's not a nitpick, and actually a huge problem with the whole plot of The Menagerie, is that Spock's actions are completely illogical and fly in the face of his belief that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Spock is putting his own life in danger to take Captain Pike to Death Penalty Planet. At this point, Pike is confined to a wheelchair where he can only communicate "yes" and "no" by blinking lights. He probably spends his days waiting to die while watching episodes of Downton Abbey and wondering just why the makers of the show think anyone cares about Lady Edith. Spock is a first officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise! You don't achieve such ranks without the understanding of just how important and valued you are, and the importance of your duty. Aside from Spock getting the death penalty, he beats up engineers and security officers on Starbase 11, risks Kirk's career and risks Kirk's life when Kirk chases him in a shuttlecraft, nearly losing all the oxygen in said craft. Spock does this all out of wanting Pike to be able to live his life out happily. Everything about Spock's actions in this case are completely emotional. Cool Trivia: Captain Pike in the wheelchair, one of the most iconic images in all of Trek canon, was parodied in the South Park episode Pre-School.

Brian Sweeney is a writer, performer and pop culture sponge. He lives in Chicago.