Star Trek Theory - The Disturbing Truth Of Picard

Dahj And The Romulan Plan

nero star trek
Paramount Pictures

Intriguingly, the Romulans have used Borg technology before. Again, back in J.J. Abrams 2009 Star Trek movie, villain Nero's alleged mining vessel looked like a hellish warship, all angry pointy bits and an eye-watering arsenal of weapons. The reason for that is because of the Borg. In the wake of Romulus' destruction, Nero retrofits his ship with Borg enhancements and swears vengeance on the Vulcans he holds accountable for the disaster.

If this remains canon, then the Romulans have access to captured and adapted Borg technology, which could suggest also that the Borg ship we see is in fact being turned into a Romulan ship. A Romulan weapon, more specifically.

So, which is it? Are the Romulans seeking to invade and overcome, to establish a new foothold of power or are they experimenting with a means to rebuild their race through a sort of scientific infection? Well, why can't it be both? Right now, it doesn't really matter, because what we're looking at here specifically is what all of this means to Picard and to Dahj.

If this theory is correct, Dahj is the end result of what the Romulans have been doing or she is the final step. She holds the key to whatever the Romulans' intent is and you have to suspect that it is both vengeance for the fall of Romulus - which any extremists will no doubt blame n Starfleet - and the death of Shinzon - which they'll blame Picard for - and also as a means to re-establish themselves. She is, for all intents and purposes, their superweapon.

The fact that rogue Borg Hugh is involved in Picard - and could even be the Borg seen being experimented on - could also be key to her creation. He was, after all, capable of individualism, which Dahj clearly possesses, and the one thing that unifies him, Picard and Data is the quest to discover what it is to be human. What if the experiments on Hugh unlocked the key to that for Dhaj's creation, but her individualism is what led to her escape?

We know that the Romulans have nefarious intent for Dahj - or someone does - because at one point she is referred to as “the end of all… she is the destroyer" and the fact that she's clearly on the run gives us a map of what this show's story is going to be.

Also there's a suggestion that Picard is drawn into the story because of his awareness of the Borg - which is why Dahj is drawn to him in the first place - but also because he is identified as the only person capable of understanding the devastating consequences of scientific over-reaching because he was once Borg.

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