Star Wars: Clone Wars Season 5 - Who Will Fall?

Asajj VentressWho Is She: A native of the planet Dathomir who was trained as a Dark Jedi and became one of the Separatists€™ best commanders. After failing to kill Count Dooku and being betrayed by Savage Opress, she deserted and became a bounty hunter, occasionally working for Boba Fett. Why We Think She€™ll Die: Ventress was shown escaping the Clone War at the end of the Clone Wars comic series but the show has already retconned her entire backstory so why not her ending. She€™s also shown battling Jedi in the trailer which may be her undoing. Why We Don€™t Think She€™ll Die: She€™s had the most development of any character in the show. Killing her off at least a year before the end would be doing her a disservice. Also, she€™s a resilient fighter who has the sense to avoid the war after leaving the Separatists. How We Think She€™ll Die: Either in battle against Darth Sidious, Count Dooku, or Savage Opress, or possibly defending one or more Jedi or a group of civilians after a gradual return to the Light Side.

Captain Rex

Who is He: Anakin€™s subordinate officer. A reserved and hard-bitten soldier who values experience over everything else. Why We Think He€™ll Die: Even though Clone Commanders have distinct personalities, they€™re disposable. Various recurring Clone Troopers such as Echo and Waxer have been killed off, and it€™s just an easy way to create some drama with a character€™s death without altering the show too much. Plus, Rex has to be dead or posted somewhere away from Anakin and Obi-Wan by the time the war is over to fit in with Revenge Of The Sith. Why We Don€™t Think He€™ll Die: Despite being kind of disposable, he€™s still one of the main four characters and it would be more consistent and make more sense to keep him alive until closer to the show€™s end when killing him or getting rid of him is absolutely necessary. Plus, he€™d just get replaced with another Clone Commander to serve under Anakin who€™d also have to be out of the way by the end of the Clone War. How We Think He€™ll Die: He€™s too important to die in some random firefight. It€™s got be death by a major villain or heroic sacrifice for Rex. Alternatively, tying into one of my theories about how Ahsoka might die, I think he may receive Order 66 and try to kill Ahsoka but will instead be killed by her.


JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.