Star Wars: Why Anakin REALLY Changed Ahsoka's Lightsabers In Clone Wars Season 7
What does Ahsoka's lightsabers going from green to blue really mean in The Clone Wars final season?

With 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' now concluded, with its final and seventh season, there was one glaring and obvious change made between this last season and the previous ones: Ahsoka's Lightsabers going from green to blue.
In the behind the scenes show 'Clone Wars Download' for 'The Phantom Apprentice', a Twitter user asked this very question. Executive producer and supervising director, Dave Filoni, responded to with how and why this change occurred.
Filoni stated: "I wanted to show a clear connection between the master and apprentice relationship of Anakin and Ahsoka, so I decided to shift her lightsabers to blue, like Anakin’s". Within the show itself, he tells us that "Anakin knows enough about lightsabers to be able to alter the angle or frequency of the saber blade, or crystal, to make it more like his own". This makes for a logical reason as to why this change has occurred, which slightly affects the E.K. Johnston 'Ahsoka' novel, but in no huge way. This of course reveals that the crystals inside the lightsabers are still the ones Ahsoka will have found as a Padawan, and not new ones.
But this is not the first time we have seen lightsaber blades change colour in cannon. In the Charles Soule 'Darth Vader' series, it is revealed that the Sith's red lightsabers are created by the 'bleeding' of a crystal taken from a Jedi's lightsaber. And, in the already mentioned 'Ahsoka' novel, Ahsoka 'purifies' an Inquistor's red crystal, creating her white blades seen in 'Star Wars: Rebels'.
The biggest impact this change has is on Anakin Skywalker as a character. The very story of the prequel trilogy shows how Anakin is affected by the characters around him, such as his Mother and Padmé, and how his emotions are what leads to his fall to the dark side. The same can be said for his relationship with Ahsoka, who whilst she is gone, after Clone Wars' fifth season final, he is still "always thinking of", which is shown by his tinkering with her lightsabers.
However, this change isn't necessarily totally positive. Anakin's "tinkering", to make the lightsabers similar to his own, and by his own words "a little better", is a show of his own "ego", as well as his "care". Not only does it represent Anakin's ego, but also how controlling he was as a master, and "too protective", by making the sabers be how he wants them, which in Filoni's words "is very Anakin".
Filoni ended his answer with "the simple adjustment of the lightsaber colour serves as many aspects of the relationship between the two characters”. It shows how Anakin cares for his apprentice, but his way of showing that is almost very selfish and controlling. And whilst Ahsoka's blades are no longer their iconic green, and slightly yellow, colour, this change is definitely a welcome one with how much extra detail it adds to two of Clone Wars' greatest characters.
What did you think of Ahsoka's lightsabers going from green to blue? Let us know in the comments below!
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