Stranger Things: 15 Best Easter Eggs (So Far)

5. The Goonies

Stranger Things King Mob

Unlike some of its more on-the-nose references, Stranger Things doesn't outright reference The Goonies in over-the-top fashion, but you don't have to look all that hard to find the nods, simply because they're laced into the plot.

A group of kids who should be out-of-their depth, embarking on a life-threatening adventure (without their parents to turn to), all in the name of the greater good? Now that's got Goonies written all over it.

It was almost fitting that the star of the film, Sean Astin, would go on to play a major role in Season 2 and, more than anything, was another nice way for the Duffers to pay tribute to one of Stranger Things' biggest influences.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.