Stranger Things Quiz: Did Dustin Henderson Say It?
Do you remember Dusty-Bun's lines?

One of Netflix's most popular series, Stranger Things is the perfect blend of sci-fi, horror, 80s nostalgia, and teen drama. The show's vibrant characters make it easy to watch, as do the colourful dialogues. Each character has a unique perspective on life, which shows in how they interact and talk with others.
Dustin Henderson, portrayed by actor Gaten Matarazzo, is the funniest character on the show. He has the same hobbies as boys of this age - he rides a bicycle with friends, plays the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game, and goes to the school amateur radio club. Dustin tends to fantasise, but he uses scientific methods to bring his ideas to life and often succeeds.
He is sarcastic, he is unashamed himself, and he's surprisingly wise for a kid. Despite being unusual, Dustin is charming and cheerful. He is a lovely young man and has a funny way of speaking. Sometimes it's too formal, other times it's less filtered. Undoubtedly, the show would not be the same without him.
But for now, let’s remember the sarcastic, funny, and brooding quotes that Dustin offered throughout the series.