Stranger Things Quiz: Did Mike Wheeler Say It?

"The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!"

Stranger Things Mike Wheeler

Ever since the disappearance of Will Byers in 1983, being a resident in the town of Hawkins has not been an easy task, to say the least. And from the past three seasons, the entire Stranger Things gang has been swept up in a terrifying storm of mysteries and horrors, as experienced by everyone from Dustin to Eleven. But on the other hand, the courageous Mike Wheeler has always been the group's core leader.

Mike, who resides on Maple Street, is typically found in his basement with his best friends, absorbed in a hectic dungeon and dragons game. But little does Mike know that the terrors within the D&D games will soon become a haunting reality in his once small town.

Throughout the series, Mike has proven his loyalty to his friends through strategic thinking and recklessness, whether when battling the Demogorgon, Demodogs, or the Mind Flayer. Today's quiz will determine how closely you have been watching Mike's journey so far.

Can you remember all of Mike Wheeler's quotes, and tell which ones he said and which he didn't?

1. "What Was Your Test On Again? Human Anatomy?"


James joined WhatCulture in early 2022. He is an expert on Doctor Who (well, the modern era) and Harry Potter. Currently, James is studying media, film, and communications at the University of Otago in New Zealand.