Stranger Things Quiz: Who Said It - Joyce Or Jim?

Was it Byers or Hopper?

Stranger Things

The creators of the show Stranger Things, the Duffer brothers, came up with the perfect series for grown-up millennials. Stranger Things is a nostalgic attraction that constantly references the pop culture of the 1980s.

The action takes place in the fictional Hawkins. In a local laboratory, scientists open a portal to another dimension. Monsters crawl out from there and begin to terrorise a quiet town.

Parallel to all this, love relationships and dramas develop among the characters. Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper are no exception. Already in the first season, the chemistry was felt between these two. At that time, Hopper helped the "distraught" Joyce in search of her disappeared son. When Joyce's behaviour seemed more and more abnormal and everyone considered her "crazy", Hopper supported her. However, to the dismay of many fans, Jim and Joyce's relationship remained platonic.

While Hopper and Byers had little time for romance in the first season, fans were hoping the two would reunite at least in the second season, the introduction of a new character to the series again destroyed the romantic dreams of the fans.

But as a dedicated fan, will you be able to guess who delivered these quotes - wild-eyed Joyce or world-weary Jim?

1. "This Is Not Yours To Fix Alone."


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.